Updates für 4.2 testing und stable

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Registriert: 08 Okt 2019, 13:32

Updates für 4.2 testing und stable

Beitrag von j.werner »

Sehr geehrte opsi-Anwenderinnen und -Anwender

mit diesem Release haben wir neue Pakete für opsi 4.2 in testing und stable veröffentlicht.
Sie bringen kleinere Bugfixes und Stabilitätsverbesserungen.

Der opsi-configed in Testing enthält kleine Bugfixes:

* Zip-Dateien können nun wieder im Logviewer geöffnet werden

* Die Clientliste wird nun wieder in der Spalte "boundToHost" im Lizenzmanagement angezeit

* Gruppen (Spezialitäten) funktioniert wieder

Updates in stable

Code: Alles auswählen

Linux Localboot:
* l-opsi-client-kiosk (

Windows Localboot:
* opsi-client-kiosk (

MacOS Localboot:
* m-opsi-client-kiosk (

opsi-local-image Netboot:
* opsi-local-image-backup (
* opsi-local-image-restore (
* opsi-local-image-prepare (
* opsi-local-image-delimage (
* opsi-local-image-ubuntu (
Updates in testing

Code: Alles auswählen

Linux Localboot:
* opsi-linux-client-agent
* opsi-cli
* opsi-setup-detector (
* opsi-script (
* l-opsi-client-kiosk (
* opsi-configed (

Windows Localboot:
* opsi-wim-capture
* opsi-winpe 4.2.0-3
* opsi-client-agent
* opsi-cli
* opsi-setup-detector (
* opsi-script (
* opsi-winst (
* opsi-client-kiosk (
* opsi-configed (

MacOS Localboot:
* opsi-mac-client-agent
* opsi-cli
* opsi-setup-detector (
* opsi-script (
* m-opsi-client-kiosk (
* opsi-configed (
* opsi-local-image Localboot:
* opsi-local-image Netboot:
* opsi-local-image-wim-capture

Windows Netboot:
* opsi-clonezilla

* opsi-script (
Genauere Informationen finden sie in den unten aufgeführten Changelogs.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jan Werner

Code: Alles auswählen


opsi-local-image-backup ( testing; urgency=low

  * setup.py: repair the check if (backup_partition_on_same_disk == False) and only one disk, 
    what would make no sense
    and if so fall back to (backup_partition_on_same_disk == true)
    This was gone broken in the last release (

 -- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Fri, 04 Aug 2023 15:00:00 +0200
opsi-local-image-restore ( testing; urgency=low

  * setup.py: repair the check if (backup_partition_on_same_disk == False) and only one disk, 
    what would make no sense
    and if so fall back to (backup_partition_on_same_disk == true)
    This was gone broken in the last release (

 -- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Fri, 04 Aug 2023 15:00:00 +0200
opsi-local-image-prepare ( testing; urgency=low

  * setup.py: repair the check if (backup_partition_on_same_disk == False) and only one disk, 
    what would make no sense
    and if so fall back to (backup_partition_on_same_disk == true)

 -- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Fri, 04 Aug 2023 15:00:00 +0200
opsi-local-image-delimage ( testing; urgency=low

  * setup.py: repair the check if (backup_partition_on_same_disk == False) and only one disk, 
    what would make no sense
    and if so fall back to (backup_partition_on_same_disk == true)
    This was gone broken in the last release (

 -- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Fri, 04 Aug 2023 15:00:00 +0200
opsi-local-image-ubuntu ( testing; urgency=low

  * setup.py: repair the check if (backup_partition_on_same_disk == False) and only one disk, 
    what would make no sense
    and if so fall back to (backup_partition_on_same_disk == true)

 -- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Fri, 04 Aug 2023 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-local-image-ubuntu ( testing; urgency=low

  * removed l-os-postinst from "setup_after_install"

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu Aug 03 14:00:00 2023 +0200
opsi-clonezilla (

  * update drbl-4.5.0 to drbl-5.2.22
  * update from clonezilla 4.4.12 to clonezilla 5.5.9
  * download and build see header of opsi-clonezilla.py
  * check clonezilla log for errors
  * remove "--skip-check-restorable-*" and "-i 2000" (chunk size) from additional runcommand options
-- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:00:00
opsi-wim-capture ( 

 * oli: setup_special: oli specific error message if pe partition not found
 * std: setup_special: std specific error message if pe partition not found
 * setup_special: more comments
 * setup.opsiscript: cleanup unused variables, code
 * capture.opsiscript: cleanup unused variables, code
 * setup.opsiscript: more comments
 * capture.opsiscript: more comments
 * capture.opsiscript: cleanup deprecated service methods
 * setup.opsiscript: cleanup deprecated service methods
 * update to wimlib 1.14.1
 * setup.opsiscript: use parseURL to get host part from depotRemoteUrl
 * use %opsiserviceClientId% for $ClientId$ (instead of %opsiserviceUser%)
 * binaries test32bit.exe and nowasdoublestring.exe now signed
 * requiredOpsiscriptversion >= ""
 * Allow Autologon before capture because we need it while roleout of the captured image
 * std: clonezilla runcommand without '-i 2000' (chunk size)

-- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 26 July 2023 15:00:00
opsi-winpe (4.2.0-3) testing; urgency=low

  * Fix unmount command when an error occurs
  * Added unmount command before mounting, to fix broken sessions

 --  Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl>  Thu, 03 Aug 2023 15:59:00 +0000

opsi-winpe (4.2.0-2) testing; urgency=low

  * Fix encoding of startnet.cmd

 --  Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl>  Thu, 27 Jul 2023 18:12:00 +0000
# Changelog opsi-client-agent

## [] - 2023-08-29

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update opsi-systray to (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

## [] - 2023-08-28

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)
- Improved logging at loginOpsiSetupUser function (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)

### Fixed
- Fixed event handling for complex sync scenarios and simplified sync event handling (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

## [] - 2023-08-15

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update opsi-script to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update oca-installation-helper to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
# Changelog opsi-linux-client-agent

## [] - 2023-08-29

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update opsi-systray to (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

## [] - 2023-08-28

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

### Fixed
- Fixed event handling for complex sync scenarios and simplified sync event handling (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

## [] - 2023-08-15

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update opsi-script to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Convert changelog to new format (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update oca-installation-helper to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
# Changelog opsi-mac-client-agent

## [] - 2023-08-29

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update opsi-systray to (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

## [] - 2023-08-28

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

### Fixed
- Fixed event handling for complex sync scenarios and simplified sync event handling (Nils Doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)

## [] - 2023-08-15

### Changed
- Update opsiclientd to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update opsi-script to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Convert changelog to new format (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
- Update oca-installation-helper to (Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de>)
# Changelog opsi-cli

## [] - 2023-08-30

### Changed

- using messagebus for detecting host wakeups, restructured messagebus connection handling (doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)
- Added command client-action trigger-event to fire an event or wake up selected clients (doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)
- extended client-action command by option --only-reachable limiting selection by those connected to the messagebus (doerrer <n.doerrer@uib.de>)


opsi-setup-detector (

  * on open control file load all values (new project)
  * on import control file load only some values into the existing project

-- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Thu,  17 Aug 2023 : 15:00:00    

opsi-setup-detector (

  * sorted installer list
  * some more autosize on labels for international translations
  * Btn 'rebuild' on create tab works now independent of the create mode radiobuttons

-- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Mon,  14 Aug 2023 : 15:00:00     

opsi-setup-detector (

  * new Button 'Import control File' on 'productconfiguration 1' tab to
    add the data of a existing control file to the running project

-- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Mon,  07 Aug 2023 : 15:00:00

opsi-setup-detector ( 

  * add changes from osd

-- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Fri,  04 Aug 2023 : 15:00:00

opsi-setup-detector ( stable; urgency=low

   * tests for 4.2.2
   * templates: 
       * channel Training: 
       delincmsi: fix (DefVar $DisplayNameRegex$)
       uninstall. setup (DefVar $MsiVersion$)
       * channel default:
       mac/delinc: fix missing 'i' at 'if'
	   * structured/win: add :
        * HandleCustomizeProfile.opsiscript
        * HandleCustomizeProfilesSections.opsiscript
        * to handle loginscripts correct with external sections.opsiinc
     * osd-lib: new function  escapeRegexMetaChars($instring$ : string) : string
       use  escapeRegexMetaChars in all delmsi* files
     * add comments from channel training to default
     * use sections.opsiinc also in default channel
     * default/with user:
        * import osd-lib from setup-local.opsiinc
 * Installation scripts:
   * win: create uninstall entry and script
 * opsi-setup-detector binary:    
   * remove old unused code
   * remove old unused resource strings
   * fix corrected english resource strings (thanks to m.knauer)
   * fix pattern installshieldMSI:
        pattern 'issetup.dll' seems not to be there always : infopattern
   * new osdbasedata: TinstallerData : notpatterns
     patterns that indicate 'this is not this installer type'
   * new cli parameter: -c / --template-channel
   * new Help menu: 'Open help' via default bowser
   * new Help menu: 'Open log file' via opsi-logviewer (if installed)
   * new Helpicon: help-circle20.png from  https://feathericons.com/
   * new package icon: package16.png from  https://feathericons.com/
   * new rebuild icon: refreshcw20.png from  https://feathericons.com/
   * new Help Icons (help-circle20) on every tab with context sensitive help
   * new Help Icons (help-circle20) on dialogs: config, property, dependency with context sensitive help
   * new detection: PortableApps.com
   * new detection: install4j
   * fix: control file: licenseRequired: False ; fixes #4828
   * fix: trim service_url before use ; fixes #4825
   * feature: inno: read uninstall directory from iss file ; fixes #4622
   * updated translation files: de / es / en
   * call online help from docs.opsi.org with context
   * fix osdanalyzewin: get_inno_info  code based installdir
   * feature: osd configuration: auto-detect path to packageBuilder; fixes: #4844
   * new: osdcreate: create control file also in 4.3 toml style
   * feature: store and use last dir from which we opend a project file
   * feature: store and use last dir from which we opend a setup file
   * feature: store and use last dir from which we opend a icon file
   * setup tabs: more space for the info link
   * fix opsi-logviewer call for linux and mac
   * new 'rebuild' button on create tab
   * new config 'control_in_toml_format' 

-- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue,  08 May 2023 : 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( testing; urgency=medium
    correct logviewer paths
    update ssl version to openssl 3
    use new product sorting algorithm (only opsi 4.3)
    update translations
-- j.werner <j.werner@uib.de> 21 July 2023 

opsi-client-kiosk ( stable; urgency=low

  [update] changelog

-- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de> Thu, 17 August 2023

opsi-client-kiosk ( experimental; urgency=low

  [change] remove unnecessary check for opsi-client-agent version

-- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de> Wed, 16 August 2023

opsi-client-kiosk ( testing; urgency=low

  [change] binary version to

-- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de> Fri, 28 July 2023

l-opsi-client-kiosk ( stable; urgency=low

  [change] remove unnecessary check for opsi-client-agent version

-- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de> Wed, 16 August 2023

l-opsi-client-kiosk ( testing; urgency=low

  [change] binary version to

-- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de> Fri, 28 July 2023

m-opsi-client-kiosk ( stable; urgency=low

  [change] binary version to

-- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de> Fri, 28 July 2023

-- opsi-configed

## [] - 2023-08-28
### Fixed
- Groups (specialities) available again 

## [] - 2023-08-24
### Fixed
- Show actual clientlist in column "boundToHost" in licence management

# [] - 2023-08-21
### Fixed
- Open several opsi-logviewers with zip-files now possible again