Unable to install preloginloader to win2k3

Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 03 Dez 2008, 04:32

Unable to install preloginloader to win2k3

Beitrag von cshields »

I've been playing around with OPSI and I love it. Works well with some XP clients, and now I am trying to install the preloginloader to an existing Windows 2003 install. Below is the output I get (output is scrubbed). Any ideas to what this problem may be are appreciated, I am having a hard time finding an answer in the docs or online. Thanks in advance!

[notice] Querying for ip address of host 'test'
[notice] Got ip address '' from syscall
[notice] Pinging host ...
[notice] Host is up
[notice] Getting hardware ethernet address of host 'test'
[notice] Found hardware ethernet address '00:50:56:a5:3d:3a'
[notice] Creating client 'test'
[notice] Getting opsi-host-key for client 'test'
[notice] Getting network-config for client 'test'
[notice] Mounting client c$ share
[notice] Copying installation files
[notice] Patching config.ini file
[notice] Installing preloginloader
[error] ERROR: Failed to install preloginloader: Command './winexe --reinstall -U Administrator%passwordscrubbed //test "c:\opsi_Cpd1Lri2dK\files\opsi\utils\winst32.exe /batch c:\opsi_Cpd1Lri2dK\files\opsi\preloginloader.ins c:\tmp\preloginloader.log /PARAMETER REMOTEDEPLOY"' failed (256): ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND

[notice] Deleting host 'test' from dhcpd config file '/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf'
Beiträge: 540
Registriert: 02 Jul 2008, 10:08

Re: Unable to install preloginloader to win2k3

Beitrag von r.roeder »


the crucial element in the opsi-deploy-preloginloader script ist the SAMBA winexe call:
cshields hat geschrieben: [error] ERROR: Failed to install preloginloader: Command './winexe --reinstall -U Administrator%passwordscrubbed //test "c:\opsi_Cpd1Lri2dK\files\opsi\utils\winst32.exe /batch c:\opsi_Cpd1Lri2dK\files\opsi\preloginloader.ins c:\tmp\preloginloader.log /PARAMETER REMOTEDEPLOY"' failed (256): ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
To get this work the user "Administrator" must be a local administrator of the target PC (or a domain user with local admin privileges), and there must be open C$ and Admin$ shares. You may test a winexe call with some trivial windows program call like notepad.exe.

The alternative if this approach does not work is to use the windows script service_setup.cmd from the target pc after mounting the network drive.

Hoping this helps,

opsi support - uib gmbh
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Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 03 Dez 2008, 04:32

Re: Unable to install preloginloader to win2k3

Beitrag von cshields »

Yeah, I'm using the Administrator account and have the open C$ and admin$ shares. Interestingly though, I never see any leftover files in c:\tmp even though they claim to be copied successfully.

What I do get on the windows 2003 side is a message in the event viewer that coincides with the crash of winexe. It is an "application popup" message with the following description:

Application popup: winexesvc.exe - Application Error: The instruction at "0x77e01a91" referenced memory at "0x80a73308". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program

Here is the debug info on the OPSI side when I try a simple winexe call:

IN: async_open(\pipe\ahexec, 2)
ERROR: Failed to install service winexesvc - NT_STATUS_IMAGE_ALREADY_LOADED

I've have tried the setupcmd from the system itself and it ran successfully but never registered itself in the client list in the GUI (it did get added to OPSI though)

Beiträge: 1366
Registriert: 01 Jul 2008, 12:10

Re: Unable to install preloginloader to win2k3

Beitrag von wolfbardo »


perhaps you have to recompile the winexe (or try the ubuntu wmi-client-package).

Please check/post your preloginloader.log.

which win2k3-Server (32-bit or 64-bit)? (we had a report about Problems on 64-bit systems in the preloginloader.ins with the section

Code: Alles auswählen

@echo off
cscript "%ScriptPath%\utils\ip2mac.vbs"


Bardo Wolf


Basisworkshop Mainz :

17. - 20. 06. 2024

opsi support - uib gmbh
For productive opsi installations we recommend maintainance + support contracts which are the base of opsi development.

Beiträge: 3319
Registriert: 04 Jun 2008, 14:27

Re: Unable to install preloginloader to win2k3

Beitrag von d.oertel »


there seems to be a problem between the winexe and (your ?) win2k3.
winexe is not a opsi programm but one of the samba project.
Perhaps there is a newer version wich may fix this problem.
What tells
/opt/pcbin/install/preloginloader/winexe -V
I've have tried the setupcmd from the system itself and it ran successfully but never registered itself in the client list in the GUI (it did get added to OPSI though)
If you tried the 'service_setup.cmd' and it doesn't works, so please post the:


detlef oertel
opsi support - uib gmbh

For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 03 Dez 2008, 04:32

Re: Unable to install preloginloader to win2k3

Beitrag von cshields »

Finally got to the end of this... A freshly compiled winexe would not work, produced the same errors at first...

But it did work after going to the win2k3 box and running 'sc delete winexesvc'

Then, the new winexe worked fine, as did opsi-deploy-preloginloader with that winexe.

Thanks for all of the suggestions here!