Opsi - Progress OpenEdge silent installation OpenJDK, JavaHome path

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 16 Mär 2021, 08:16

Opsi - Progress OpenEdge silent installation OpenJDK, JavaHome path

Beitrag von haito »

Hello everyboby,

i`m trying to install progress openedge 12.2.4 with opsi.
I made an autoit-script (converted to .exe) and ran it in setup.opsiscript (opsi-package).
The silent installation uses a .ini-file with the java_home directory (openjdk), allready exists on c:\dlc\java.

The installation via opsi gets stuck when the installer opens the java-path C:\dlc\java\11_x86\bin\java.exe

Installation without opsi works fine:
When i run the autoit-script or the oe122_client_installieren.exe without opsi, everything works fine!!

Is it possible that opsi can`t open two .exe-files (setup.exe and java.exe) at the same time (installing-procedure)?


Code: Alles auswählen

Message "Installing OpenEdge-12 Client (ca. 5min)"


Code: Alles auswählen

$ini_path = @TempDir & "\oe12client.ini"
FileCopy (@ScriptDir & "\oe12client.ini", $ini_path, 1)
ShellExecute (@ScriptDir & "\PROGRESS_OE_12.2.4_WIN_32\setup.exe", ' -psc_s -psc_f1="' & $ini_path & '" -psc_f2=C:\oe12client.log', "", "", @SW_HIDE)

Code: Alles auswählen

; JAVA_HOME - select the java home directory.
;OpenJDK 11 (LTS)
[Select JavaHome Dialog]
Thanks for your help! :)
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 16 Mär 2021, 08:16

Re: Opsi - Progress OpenEdge silent installation OpenJDK, JavaHome path

Beitrag von haito »



Code: Alles auswählen

Company=Progress Software
Event7=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] Checking for OpenEdge programs and or processes in use .......
Event8=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] The Update Setup Utility has checked the system requirements.
Event9=[3-15-2021 17:47:54]  cmd /c C:\dlc\java\11_x86\bin\java.exe -version 2> "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{173D28E1-8A40-4684-93BE-D1CFBDEDA43D}\{E0D8975D-FA3C-4ED2-B6B8-27B3553781A5}\ver.log"
Event10=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] Command Executed successfully: cmd /c C:\dlc\java\11_x86\bin\java.exe -version 2> "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{173D28E1-8A40-4684-93BE-D1CFBDEDA43D}\{E0D8975D-FA3C-4ED2-B6B8-27B3553781A5}\ver.log"
Event11=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] Read - openjdk version "11.0.10" 2021-01-19
Event12=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] Selected JavaVersion is : 11.0.10
Event13=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] Supported JavaVersion is : 11.0.4
Event14=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] cmd /c C:\dlc\java\11_x86\bin\java.exe -cp "P:\windows_oe122_client_installer\PROGRESS_OE_12.2.4_WIN_32" JvmProperties 1> "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{173D28E1-8A40-4684-93BE-D1CFBDEDA43D}\{E0D8975D-FA3C-4ED2-B6B8-27B3553781A5}\JvmArch.log"
Event15=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] Command Executed successfully: cmd /c C:\dlc\java\11_x86\bin\java.exe -cp "P:\windows_oe122_client_installer\PROGRESS_OE_12.2.4_WIN_32" JvmProperties 1> "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{173D28E1-8A40-4684-93BE-D1CFBDEDA43D}\{E0D8975D-FA3C-4ED2-B6B8-27B3553781A5}\JvmArch.log"
Event16=[3-15-2021 17:47:54] Read - 32
As mentioned, when I run the installation script by hand (without opsi distribution) the installation works and the logfile continues after "Read - 32" until "Installation successful". What the "Read - 32" means I could not find out but it is also in the logfile at the successful installation.
Beiträge: 1535
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: Opsi - Progress OpenEdge silent installation OpenJDK, JavaHome path

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

haito hat geschrieben: i`m trying to install progress openedge 12.2.4 with opsi.
I made an autoit-script (converted to .exe) and ran it in setup.opsiscript (opsi-package).
Why the hell are you doing that?

Anyway, I don't seem to be able to download that client somewhere, are you able to provide it?
It looks like a installshield thing, but I'm not sure if all that java detection can be disabled.
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 16 Mär 2021, 08:16

Re: Opsi - Progress OpenEdge silent installation OpenJDK, JavaHome path

Beitrag von haito »

Hi SisterOM,

here is the AutoIT-Script (converted to startoe12.exe):

Code: Alles auswählen

#include <File.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$ini_path = @TempDir & "\oe12client.ini"
FileCopy (@ScriptDir & "\oe12client.ini", $ini_path, 1)
ShellExecuteWait (@ScriptDir & "\PROGRESS_OE_12.2.4_WIN_32\setup.exe", ' -psc_s -psc_f1="' & $ini_path & '" -psc_f2=C:\oe12client.log', "", "", @SW_HIDE)
DirCopy(@ScriptDir & "\dlc122_x64_gui_src_cfg\gui", "C:\dlc\dlc122\gui", $FC_OVERWRITE)
DirCopy(@ScriptDir & "\dlc122_x64_gui_src_cfg\src", "C:\dlc\dlc122\src", $FC_OVERWRITE)
FileCopy (@ScriptDir & "\dlc122_x64_gui_src_cfg\progress.cfg", "C:\dlc\dlc122\progress.cfg", $FC_OVERWRITE)
FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\*.lnk", @DesktopCommonDir, 1)
FileCopy(@ScriptDir & "\*.lnk", @DesktopDir, 1)
And here the setup.opsiscript:

Code: Alles auswählen

Message "Installing OpenEdge-12 Client"
When in double-click the "startoe12.exe" without opsi, then the installation works fine...
And the installation needs the java-path during the installation - without the java-detection (path is in the .ini-file) the installation fails and says "no java-path found".

Here you can find something about the silent installation and how it works with the response.ini file:
Search-Engin --> "Performing a silent install of OpenEdge 10.1A and above on Windows"
Beiträge: 1535
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: Opsi - Progress OpenEdge silent installation OpenJDK, JavaHome path

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

You are including a lot of stuff in an autoIT script, but that stuff can all be put in the opsi-script itself. This can cut down on a lot of troubleshooting, and you don't have to maintain multiple scripts. Have you looked at the opsi-template package?

Sometimes an installshield installer creates an msi file in a temporary directory. Taking that msi file might also work.
I'll see if I can dig up some more.
edit: I downloaded an older zip file, but that is probably the version to install manually. I can't get your version anywhere, so I can't help you with this. But it should be simple.
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!